Thursday, March 23, 2006

The Magnificient White Box

I often see my mom and dad closing thier eyes and talking. They're not talking to me or each other. Rather, it seems as though they are talking to the air. Its weird though because they act like someone is talking back, but I never see anyone. Whenever they have these conversations I tilt my head every which way because Mom says my ears could pick up radio frequencies. So I figure if I do it just right I might be able to hear whoever they are talking to. I just really want to know what the invisible person is saying because mom and dad always seem so happy and calm after thier conversations. This ear tilt thing is not working. I'll just walk over and place my head in mom's lap. "Who are you talking to" I speak with my eyes?
She opens her eyes and smiles at me. "I'm talking to God."
I tilt my head in question,"Who is God?"
Mom explains, "Well, He watches over us and takes care of us. He feeds us and He keeps us warm. He comforts us when we are tired and revives our spirit. He has the ability to give life and also to take it away. He is so many things but most importantly he Loves and Cares for us."
"But why can't I see him?"I wrinkle my forehead on this one as I just don't understand.
Mom smiles and responds, "He is everywhere! You just need to look for Him."
I wag my tail because as you know I'm good at finding things! So I just need to put my nose to it. If only I knew what God smelled like.

Well, I guess I'm going to have to think about this one! Okay the criteria is first that he watches over us. That could be any number of things. Those small animals with the pointy ears always swishing their tails under my nose. They are ALWAYS getting me in trouble. It can't be them though. They don't take care for me at all. If you ask me they're with the OTHER invisible person. You know pointy horns, long tail. Evil I tell you!

Okay lets get back on track. They also keep us warm. I know those nice heating vents are always warm in the winter. But they don't really feed us(unless you count dust bunnies...YUM!). But I don't think thats right.
Now what feeds me. Hmm, there's this nice jar on the counter that my food is in. But that's all it does. I'm certain its something that feeds both me and mom and dad.

Well, what about the big white box in the kitchen? Hmm, that could have some merit. It is certainly tall enough to watch over all of us. It takes care of us by running all the time. It definitely feeds all of us. That's where my special peanut butter is stored! Yum! It keeps me warm in the winter. I just lay down in front of the vent and it warms me! Sometimes I see mom warming her toes in front of it. It also has a very comforting hum. Sometimes it puts me to sleep. But giving and taking of life. I'm not sure it quite fits that bill. Darn, I thought I had it. Nothing really dies around here though. So how can I figure that one out? Maybe I should chew on a stuffie for a bit. That always helps. Hmmm, who shall I pick to sort this one out. Too bad monkey went away. He always helped me figure things out. Let see, I'm going to root through this bin and find someone to help me. "MONKEY!" "How on earth did you come back! The last time I saw you you were drawing your last breath as mom put you UP ON THE BIG WHITE BOX!" And now you're back. How is it possible? Wait, that's it! The final key to it all. I think God is the big white box. He is the taker and giver of life. He comforts and feeds us. He keeps us warm. Though mom said he was so much more than that. And I'm not sure the refridgerator loves me. I can never get it to open when I want it to. But just to be on the safe side the next time mom and dad start talking to God, I'm going to lay in front of the magnificient white box and utter my own prayers. Mostly pleading for the door to open and the top to come off the peanut butter jar. And maybe world peace...but definitely the thing about the peanut butter.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Coming soon: The Magnificient White Box

What is this magnificient white box that sits in my house? It holds wonderful things. Is it alive? Does it truly have the power to give and restore life. Join us later this week as Scout investigates the mysterious powers of this being in an attempt make sense of it all!